Ignore all that,point is this
Somehow,somewhere it exists.
If I'm in love with you,
Don't drag age based disparity into emotional clarity.
Never say things like,"too old for me."
It shoots a conclusive bullet into my mind,
That your blind towards un-forthcoming success in my palms,
So what could I possibly table?
Name it triggered deductions.
Never say," the sun shone your face before mine."
Birth dates are not chosen,neither is lights out.
All you saw since three or seven,whilst I was still a virtual concept,
Shouldn't make you brag and despise my littleness.
Instead embrace and teach me what I need to learn.
Never say,"I can't give you what you need."
For I can tell you things you've never heard,pushing you to the point of not needing nor wanting,
But sympathy should not make you change your perception.
Never wake up and talk,"no man can match my class."
For there is one who actually can but be warned he could easily surpass yours
Then dump you,wasted,moving on like you never existed.
Because he mastered the years in between you and him.
Back to me,
In between you and I,
Are two variations only,status and pride
Two other constants,time and change
Never let variables dictate your constants.
Be human and love without discrimination.
Let love be love,not hate.
M.O.O aka Carswell evoL
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